
  carlotta borcherding


Foto: Maryam Ibrahim
Performing Artist: Semi Lim
film (10:44 min) 

Environment   (2023)

The performancefilm Environment (Umgebung) is a cutting-edge artwork that was recently premiered at the Ars Electronica Festival 2023 and was celebrated by an international audience. The artwork is referencing the interactive deep space performance where movement, interaction, sound, projection and light are intertwining elements within a sensotory tracking system. The structure of her projected images, which are determinating the space and the radius of action and interaction of the performers is fragmented into lines that represent the very fundamental appearance of any kind of electromagnetic waves, as the physical foundation of light is as well. s the electromagnetic waves do, the performers also encounter each other in an interfering manner. Just as the waves, they alter their distance towards each other constantly; they appear and disappear; they stick together and let go, as all elements of life do, in ever-recurring waves of attraction and rejection.The sound composition underlines the power of the physicality of the two protagonists and their movement. The described interferences between the two performing artist and the displayed images respond to the acoustic layers with their choreography.

Sound and Visual Artist: Carlotta Borcherdig 
Performing Artist: Semi Lim, Veronika Maidukova 

Camera: Maryam Ibrahim, Thomas Schwarz 
Editing: Carlotta Borcherding



Foto: Pat Göckert
performance, text, video (20 min) 

Dear Preassure  (2024)

Dear Preassure is a collective performance of a queer artist group, adressing the preassure created through society, through its heteronormative order based within a binary gender system that offers little space for anyone inbetween the constructed two-gender norm. The performance plays with layers of text, sound, and video, sharing feelings and  experiences of preassure as a person part of the LGBTQAI+ Community within private and puplic affairs. 

Project by Pat Göckert
Concept: Pat Göckert, Pal Klex
Regie: Pat Göckert
Sound Design: Carlotta Borcherdig 
Camera: Pat Göckert

Performing Artist:
Carlotta Borcherding
Dejan Nement
Pal Kex
Pat Göckert